One Tank Trips: Spring Break Tips That Don’t Break the Bank

It’s officially spring break season, and it’s time for a change of scenery to refresh and recharge as we say farewell to winter. If you haven’t already booked a trip, have no fear! Plane rides can mean steep airfare and housing accommodations. Make this trip a budget-friendly road trip by securing your rental car from Community Rental Car in Winston-Salem and Winston-Salem. With incredible destinations within one tank of gas from the Greensboro area, you’re about to make family memories that won’t break the bank!

Rental Car Rescue: The Perfect Rental Car for You

Living without a personal vehicle is a very liberating lifestyle that is afforded in many metropolitan areas. In Greensboro, many residents rely on the public transit system to get to and from work. Not having a personal vehicle is a non-issue until life throws you a curve ball and you need one. At Community Rental Car, we provide cost-effective options in a variety of sizes to suit your needs.